martes, 28 de marzo de 2017

Child Labor

Warm -up:
What is a child? 

Who are child labourers and how many are there? 

Where do child labourers live? 

Is there child labour in the United States? where then 

What do child labourers do? 

Why should we care? 

How can ordinary people help reduce child labour? 

How was child labour reduced in today's developed countries? 

What are some of the myths or misunderstandings about child labour? 

What causes child labour today? 

What are some of the solutions to child labour today?

Activity I : Watch this video and answer the questions 


Activity I: Carol in Spain

Tourism - Do we need it? 
Discussion of pros and cons of developing local tourism

Activity II : watch this visdeo ansd answer the following questions 

a) What happened to the speaker’s brother?
b) How does the speaker bring down the walls that separate people?
c) How many people travel internationally every year?
d) What is the future of travel according to the speaker?

Adapted and adopted from
Activity III: Class Discussion :

What is tourism?
Do you think tourism helps people in the world understand each other?
Is tourism something that only rich people take part in?
What do you think of sex tourism? Do you think it’ll ever disappear?
What factors affect tourism?
Do tourists really get to see the real countries they visit?
Do you think tourism is bad for the planet?
Are tourists in your country funny?
How has tourism changed over the past few decades?
Are you a good ambassador for your country’s tourism industry?

viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017

Shop till you drop

Video Saver or spender

Activity I:  Shopping in Harrods, Watch the video twice  and answer the questions



1. Do you like to shop and if so, what are some things you usually like to shop for besides the basics?

2. How have shops and stores changed over the years? How does this compare to shops and stores in your home country?

3. Are you an online shopper and if so, what do you typically buy? How does this experience compare to shopping in a physical store?

4. How are the terms 'consumption' and 'consumerism' related? What role does consumerism play in the environment, the economy, and in our daily life? Do you think consumerism can affect our well being?

5. What are the differences between "needs" and "wants"? Do you think society's needs and wants have changed over the years? 

6. How has the role of marketing and advertising influenced consumerism?
Can you give any specific examples?

Activity III: Watch this video on Consumerism  and answer the questions 

Activity IV:Listen to this song an fill in the gaps

We live in a greedy little world, 
That teaches every little boy and girl
To ______________as much as they can possibly,
Then turn around and
____________it foolishly
We've created us a ________________ mess
We spend the money that we don't possess
Our religion is to go and blow it all
So it's shopping every Sunday at the ____________
All we ever want is more
A lot more than we had before
So take me to the nearest _____________
Can you hear it ring
It makes you want to sing
It's such a beautiful thing, ka-ching!
Lots of diamond ______________
The happiness it brings
You'll live like a king
With ______________money and things
When you're _____________go and get a loan
Take out another _______________ on your home
Consolidate so you can _______________
To go and spend some more when
You get bored
All we ever want is more
A lot…

Activity V: Reading Men suffer from Compulsive shopping too!!


martes, 14 de marzo de 2017


What is beauty?
Do you think the idea of beauty changes?
Do you think you have the same concept of beauty as other people in your life?
What are the most important features when determining if someone is beautiful?
Do you think different races have different perceptions of what beauty is?
Is beauty important?
Is there beauty in everything we see and do?
Do you think about your beauty?
Do you think the beauty industry is important?
Do beautiful people have better lives?
Who decides who or what is beautiful?
How would the world be different if we never considered beauty?
What beauty can you see around you now?
Do you see beauty in the English language?