miércoles, 8 de junio de 2022


 Watch the Video Getting ready

  • Describe the atmosphere of the city when the circus comes to town
  • How was the preparation of the show different to today´s?

QUIZ-What do you know about the Circus ?

Read to find infoThe evolution  of the Circus  

Cirque  du Soleil promotion Video 

Mad Apple – the newest Las Vegas production from live entertainment leader Cirque du Soleil – celebrated its mad debut at New York-New York Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas last nightMad Apple is a high-energy cocktail of comedy, music, dance and high-flying acrobatics that delivers New York’s wildest night out under the Vegas lights. Tickets are available here.

sábado, 16 de abril de 2022



 Activity 1: Check either  link  below and choose one image that appeals to you  Create a 150 minimum word story and narrate the story of the picture.

Link 1randymanarang/banksy-style/

Link 2 jotabur/arte-callejero-banksy

Revision:   How to write  a story B1 level  and model and britishcouncil -story-zone/b2-c1-stories

My name is Becca, I was born in a tiny village in the north of....

Activity2: Video with activity liveworksheets.com

Activity 3: Video with activity Grafitti: Art or Vandalism?

Activity 3: You know alot about this controversial artist so now you can watch this  video and take the test banksy-videoquiz

BANKSY about to reveal his  true identity . Play the video a few seconds, stop video and ask students to make a guess. Will he reveal his identity

  1.   Why was this interview set up?
  2.   What does B say about his neighborhood?
  3.   What happened to his father when he was younger?
  4.  What name did he go by? What parallelism does he make?
  5.  When did he start stenciling?
  6. Is there a difference  between stenciling and graffiti according to B?
  7. Where did he work during the day? Why?
  8.  He worked under another name before, does he reveal it?? Did he like the job?
  9.  When did it take off for him?
  10. What gave him massive credit?

Do you have an artist´s eye?


Activity 1: take the test and see how much do you know about art

 Activity 2: Identify as many pieces of art and its author in the video

1.-Show only up to 3:29

2.-Check by watching from 3:29 onwards

Activity 3: I  am sure that you can identify a handful more play.howstuffworks.com



Find your favourite picture/ painter and create your own interpretation of the masterpiece chosen.

A curiosity: latest exhibition in Matadero ( Madrid)

martes, 21 de diciembre de 2021

Xmas activities

Merry Christmas 

Madrid, Plaza Sol

Secret Santa 

From a  bag you will pick a paper with one classmate´s name  on it.  Think of something you could give that person ( it could be funny but never offensive), say two good things about that person.


Go through each commercial and reflect on the Xmas spirit, Christmas traditions, consumerism, etc.

4-McDonald´s "Imaginary Iggy" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRFSj3UC5jk

More activities

1.-Video- A time to celebrate with children 

2.-Photos-Ugly Xmas sweater Day

3.- READING Christmas in the UK
4.- Keep learning "Xmas around the world"  
5.- Traditions Customs

6.- Xmas in the USA  and more Xmas Displays 

miércoles, 7 de abril de 2021

Sustainable Development Goals

 AGENDA 2030

  • Eliminate Poverty
  • Erase Hunger
  • Establish Good Health and Well-Being
  • Provide Quality Education
  • Enforce Gender Equality
  • Improve Clean Water and Sanitation
  • Grow Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Create Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • Increase Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • Reduce Inequality
  • Mobilize Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Influence Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Organize Climate Action
  • Develop Life Below Water
  • Advance Life On Land
  • Guarantee Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
  • Build Partnerships for the Goals

Warm up and Discussion Activity: Print big SDGs  icons to create pyramid in class (any other arrangement is also possible).

Diagnosis Test: How much  do you know about global development?

Activity 1: Vocab activity and SDG Game-Quiz 

Activity 2Match the goal with the explanation    

Activity 3: Read more about the goals or goal you want to focus on and GET INSPIRED  

Activity 4: Choose one of the following activities ( go to misshernandotools to choose the best app for the presentation to the class).

-Read the Act Now Action  Guide  and create your own action guide. 

-Based on the The lazy person check -list  elaborate your proposal.

Activity 5: Choose your  Superhero/-Truth Talker and create your group poster.

Activity 6: Donate some grains while playing freerice.com

Objective 5: Gender equity 

-Activities Don´t flounder

-LISTENING Activities

-READING Activities

  1. The 17 ODS COMIC margreetdeheer.com

  2. How kids can fight Covid 

  3. Frieda makes a difference 
  4. Creative cities
  5. Can you shop sustainably? 
  6. How important is International Communication for you?

-Novels around the topics weforum.org


 UNICEF Trash building blocks

TED Taks on SDO´s

Recommended Webs

Material in Spanish 

Trivial de los ODS

Monstruo Rosa

Comic El desafío de los ODS

Thanks to: 

-Adapted and adopted from  from https://www.bookwidgets.com/blog/2019/12/10-ready-to-use-lesson-plans-on-the-sustainable-development-goals

- Material taken from https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/climate-action-superheroes-info/#truthtalker

-https://search.creativecommons.org/ bar for pictures and images